Publish with us

Do you have an orality project or idea you would like to publish?

Whether it is a thesis, dissertation, article, recording, artwork, or anything else that can be digitally published, we are interested!

Please send it to, and we will collaborate with you to publish it.


  • Any written resource needs to be submitted as a common word-processing document.
  • The final project will be published as a PDF or epub file.
  • Make the table of contents clickable links.
  • Add hyperlinks to any available online resource you cite.
  • Add page numbers to the document.
  • Submit a front-cover artwork with the title and author.
  • Send us a portrait and an author bio (50-100 words).

Legal (ORI) is a digital publisher registered at the Philippine National Book Development Board under registration number 7188.

ORI is a project of the Institutes for Orality Strategies, a non-profit organization that depends on donations and is committed to open-access, free publications.

Following the cover page (or equivalent for non-written publications), we will add a page with copyright (including Bible versions used), publisher information, and an ISBN. The copyright remains with the original creators.

It is the author’s responsibility to uphold ethical research standards, including accurate citations and avoiding plagiarism.

Before publication, we ask the authors to sign a publication agreement with us. By submitting your work, you agree to our terms & conditions.